When I tell people that I'm starting my own Personal Chef business, they never know what I'm talking about. 100,000 PC's in this country, and nobody has ever heard of it. I think that's odd. I'm making it my personal mission to introduce Personal Cheffing to the world. Okay, maybe not the world. How about the people in my pathetic little circle?
A Personal Chef is someone who comes into the customers home and cooks several days worth of meals for them. Packages the meals, labels them, and leaves them in the fridge and the freezer. Pretty cool, huh. I've always wanted to hire one, but I've always been the only PC in my area. And I can't afford me.
I did PC'ing several years ago in Southern California, and thoroughly enjoyed it. But finally had to rejoin corporate America for the pay and the benefits. I've decided to start the business up again because I miss cooking. REALLY miss it. And the brats preferred diet of beige foods does NOT fulfill my culinary need.
So I have dug out all my old PC stuff and I think I'm about ready. Here is my issue...I have over 1000 recipes in my PC binder. I also have about 100 cookbooks. But those are never the recipes I want for my menu. I strive to have about 100 choices on my menu for my clients. I have my tried and true, go to favorites on there. I have items I've loved from other cooks, like Paula or Rachael or PW. But I have one issue...I'll find the title of a dish that sounds wonderful, and put it on my menu. Then I have to find or create the recipe for it. Example: I heard of a dish from Canadian Living called Calypso Burritos. It was referenced in a story on theme parties. I searched the internet high and low, and cannot find that recipe. But I WANT it. So now, I get to spend time creating a dish that fits the title Calypso Burrito. I think I'm doing things backwards. That's not unusual. Being the impatient only child that I am, I always start and the end and work my way back. Not sure yet how that's workin for me. I'll let you know.
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Sometimes my comments don't appear to get to your site. Don't know where they go.
PW is very slow on the finalists.
Sent Jane and Larry your blog. Wonder if they will look it up.
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