At our house, that one dish is Mustard Chicken.
4 ingredients! Love that. Love the fact that it goes together in minutes. Love even more the fact that the children request it. Make's just as good the next day.

Chicken breasts, trimmed of fat
Yellow mustard
Bread crumbs or Panko
Vegetable Oil for frying
Coat the chicken breasts with mustard. It doesn't have to be perfect, but don't be shy with the mustard. Trust will make the chicken very moist, and the flavor doesn't overpower.

Cover the mustard coated chicken breasts with bread crumbs or Panko. I prefer Panko. Feel free to season the coating...I usually use Italian Season, Salt and Granulated Garlic.

Make sure you have a willing helper!

Put a decent amount of oil in a skillet, and put your chicken in nice hot oil. You want these babies to get nice and golden brown.

If you have big, fat chicken breasts, it's best to finish them in the oven. The breading tends to get too dark on the stove if the chicken is thick. Make sure you use the grungiest, most stained cookie sheet you own for this step!

We usually serve with rice pilaf, but goes just as well with potatoes or pasta.
This is good. You've made it for us.
It's Thursday morning at 3:53 am. Guys just left for hunting, and I'm wide awake!
Have a safe trip. I love you.
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