You're Killing Me Smalls!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

For those of you that haven't seen "The Sandlot", the title of this post means nothing to you. If you're a fan of the movie, I'd be willing to bet that those words have passed through your lips at least once.

Now, the name Smalls has a new meaning in our house.

Meet Summer's Christmas presents:

Otherwise known as cat toys for Smoky and Spooky.

This is Smalls.

This is her buddy, Squints. Yep, named from the movie as well.

They are very sweet. Although they do cause more than one friend or family member to shudder with disgust.

It's beginning to look like Noah's Ark around here. Two cats. Two Turtles. Two Rats. Of course, it would have to be a GAY Noah's Ark, since they're all the same sex. But's the 21st century!



mom said...

Happy to meet Summers friends. Your gay ark joke was great.
Does Summer wear glasses now?

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